Plug the key on a USB port of your computer and turn on your computer. When the computer boots, you have to ask it to boot on the USB key (usually, you have to press F2 or a similar key at startup, and modify the boot sequence such that the USB key is considered before the hard disk of your computer).
If you plan to mount your hard disks from the live USB, please ensure that your host system is not hibernating, but completely shut down, otherwise it might not notice filesystem changes when you use it again, and you could lose important data!
If you plug the key on an already working computer, you will see the following directories on its root:
If for some reason the live USB key asks you for a login and password:
You can contact the author of this USB key by clicking on the "Tools" icon on the desktop, and then the "Contact" icon, you will be able to let a message and the genealogy of the USB key will be transmitted. Don't forget to let your e-mail address if you want to be contacted by the author of the USB key. You can also send him an e-mail to the address
If you use more than one keyboard layout, you can switch between them easily by adding a keyboard switcher on the top bar of the screen. For this:
This will take effect after restarting your session, which you can do immediately by clicking on "Yes".
This USB key is able to duplicate itself on any other USB key whose size is at least 4GB. For this, it suffice to:
All the data of the new USB key will be lost !
If there is enough free space on the destination key, you may be asked if you want to upgrade instead of clone. The upgrade is useful if you want to keep your personal data that is already on the USB key (unlike the clone feature, your USB key won't be reformatted), in particular if you have an older version of the Sage Debian Live on the destination key, it will be upgraded and your previous work with it will still be available.
If you change something on the system, it will be lost at next reboot (only the changes in the /home directory are persistent). If you want to keep system changes done in some directory for further reboots, open a terminal and type:
keep dir <directory>
You can install a Debian package as usually with sudo apt install <package>, and you will benefit from the software during all your session. However, it will not be available after the next reboot. If you want to install a package permanently on the system, open a terminal and type:
keep install <package1> <package2> ...
To use Sage, click on the "Mathematics" icon on the desktop and then on either on "Sage notebook" or "Jupyter notebook" depending on your favorite interface. For the Sage notebook, provide an admin password of your choice (twice). Some documentation (pdf books) is available on the Documentation directory on the same group of icons.
This live USB system contains some privacy tools such as torbrowser-launcher to browse the web anonymously, macchanger to change your mac address, gnunet and onionshare to share files anonymously, pdf_redact_tools and mat to strip metadata in pdf or any kind of files, cryptsetup, ecryptfs, gocryptfs, cryfs, sirikali for disk and file encryption, shred, bleachbit, secure-delete, wipe for file deletion, duplicity for encrypted backup, some network-manager plugins to use VPN, some sanitization of firefox config, etc.
However, there is no guard to prevent you doing something dangerous for your privacy yet, so, unless you master those softwares, it is currently not recommended to use this live system to stay safe.
If you want to surf anonymously, we recommend you to use TAILS live system available at
Flashplayer is not installed on the key by default: it is not available on Debian stretch, and it is a non-free software that may harm your privacy, by executing pieces of code you won't be able to check.
If some websites require some flash to be executed by your web browser, you might consider not using them (for downloading videos from most website, you should have a look at the excellent youtube-dl` package available from the command line).
Perhaps should you use Flashplayer only if the alternative is worse (e.g. otherwise you must reinstall a proprietary OS to be able use flash).
If you want to install (or update) Flashplayer for firefox, open a terminal and type:
Firefox must have been started once before this script is run.
To uninstall Flashplayer, open a terminal and type: